ArtistsChristina Anid

Christina Anid lives and works in Piraeus, the port of Athens. Active on the international art scene since 2010, she creates a diverse panel of works of which collages, wall sculptures made from ex votos and “memory tables” made from the sentimental books one would never read but has a hard time letting go.

Her proficiency in different mediums and use of various materials is the reflection of her family history, an echoing theme in her work. Born in Beirut of a Hungarian and Greek mother and a Lebanese father, Christina Anid grew up in Paris where she studied French literature at the Sorbonne. She then travelled the world and practiced environmental communication, journalism, photography and jewellery design before settling in Greece. In 2022, she is invited to showcase a retrospective exhibition of 13 years of creation at the French Embassy in Athens and also participates in Reality check II : Inner sanctum curated by Dr. Kostas Prapoglou at Dafni Psychiatric Hospital.

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